Monday, November 8, 2010

Asperger's and Loneliness

Us with Asperger's Syndrome are always lonely. We cannot help it, it is apart of us, a big part of us. We sometimes find ourselves wondering what went wrong and why no one is around us. That is okay because that is what is supposed to be happening. Neuro typical people usually are the ones that can easily make friends because they can easily communicate with other members of society. Not "Aspies" though, not us. We tend to just have a laid back attitude, only paying attention to what we think is relevant. Due to our restrictive interests and our inability to multi-task, we can only pay attention to what we are interested in at that particular moment in time. Be it building model cars, writing poetry, playing video games, whatever the interest is, it consumes our soul.

We can only pay attention to those things that we are interested in, and because of that, our brains forget that there are other things in life, and since we cannot read emotions very well, we tend to get upset over a sarcastic comment from another person or we shut down when getting overwhelmed and role play as if we are a turtle hiding unto its shell. The whole process of us becoming consumed with whatever we are interested in leaves no time at all for friendships or relationships of any kind. We tend to not think about those things. Sure, we get lonely just like everyone else and long to feel "normal" much like Pinocchio, but sometimes it is just not a reality simply because it was not meant to be one. "Aspies" are lonely and are supposed to be lonely, only the lucky ones manage to get away and disappear from this village and engage in meaningful relationships and fit in with society. We need to work harder than most and it is definitely worth it in the end, but the journey to get there can sometimes be non-existent simply because of our ineptitude to life itself. With hard work things can change, but the script is written and it says, "Aspies can only deal in their own heads". That says it all right there.